Gli Aironi
Rice & Co.
The choice of our Company's name is a tribute to a specific species of endangered herons (the Herons Cenerini)which, in recent years, have repopulated our Vercelli rice fields, thanks to our generational decision to stop intensive rice production. GliAironi has invested in rice production, grown in compliance with the natural laws, offering to its customers flour and biscuits in vacuum packs, a wide range of risottos and other rice products ready for cooking. But what, above all, characterizes GliAironi, compared to other companies, is its innovative production system, that uses, for example, the IpoDry process: a special packaging method, which preserve the organoleptic characteristics of its products.
Special attention is given to green engagement. In the rice fields, GliAironi still uses the ancient network of canals created by Cavour to which innovative and sustainable irrigation techniques are applied, which allow to use the minimum amount of water to cover rice plants. In the Company rice fields you can see herons, ibis, frogs and all the aquatic fauna typical of Vercelli area.
The Company’s commitment to the environment does not stop at this point, but finds ample space in the reuse of the rice waste parts in other production sectors, such as the farinaccio in the cosmetics industry and the the rice grain lumps in the PC motherboard production, since they are rich in silicon.